Ultrasound, post 10

WANNA SEE YOU NOT YOUR ULTRASOUND!!13 weeks and 1 day.. | Life is SavageUltrasound Case #5... . Even the ultrasound technician was surprised by all the movementOur 2nd ultrasound @ 13 weeksThe Ultrasound … See who was right » baby face10.29 ultrasound19 weeks ultrasound | spinning in my teacupWeek 12 ultrasounds. Baby moved around so much, the ultrasound tech ...Baby Ultrasound | Sweet Tooth MamaItty Bitty baby laying on his stomach…..look at his spine!!!!!:... get enough of ultrasound photos here is the full 15 minute sonogramUltrasound, nearly 32 weeks | In This Storm2nd Ultrasound - The booty, leg, and footultrasound 18 weeksGracie, 6.5 week internal ultrasoundPregnancy highlights–23 weeks | one lucky couple18 Week Ultrasoundultrasound 2ultrasound | Surrogacy from the heart BlogUltrasound image showing my needle (coming from upper right hand ...baby ultrasound face week 15 baby ultrasound hand week 15And here she is fist-pumping, just like her Auntie Ber.PORTAL VEIN | ultrasound tips & tricksIs that a line? | we're cooking a baby!

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